Therapeutic Methods
Soulwell Expressive Arts Therapy's service be like going picnic on a nice day:

Expressive Arts Therapy
Like delicious food at a picnic, the arts and play experiences are a primary means of healing, allowing you to relax, connect, heal, and transform.
Expressive Arts Therapy is a form of psychotherapy. Service users freely express themselves through a variety of arts experientials (including: visual arts, music, dance movement, creative writing and drama). The expressive arts therapist will guide you in the process of self-exploration to attain psychotherapy goals such as personal growth and healing. Below listed the key features of Expressive Arts Therapy:
Low Skills
The expressive art therapist design appropriate art activities based on your needs (such as preferences, physical health, cognitive level, etc.). You do not need any art experience to join, anyone who is interested are welcome to participate.
Imagination is the language of the unconscious; art is the container that carries imagination. Artistic creation reveals your inner world with a material form, allow you to see it more clearly. In the realm of imagination, there is no right or wrong, no limits nor judgements. You can feel safe to explore various possibilities in life.
Creative Connection
When you hear a melody, your body moves; when you read words, images appear in your mind. Different types of art are interconnected. Expressive arts therapy uses this interconnection to encourage you to create with your whole body and express yourself to the fullest.
Inclusive & Culturally-informed
Art is all-encompassing and is a non-verbal form of communication. Expressive art therapy provides people with different abilities and cultural backgrounds with a creative way to express themselves, to articulate their emotions, and transform pain.
Mindfulness Meditation
" Just Like a beautiful natural scenery captivating our attention in the present moment, allowing our busy mind to feel settled, grounded and at peace."
Mindfulness meditation is a way of living in harmony with oneself, with the world, and to live a rich and fulfilling life.
Mindful living is to always be aware of your own physical and mental state, and to repond to the internal and external happenings with compassion and wisdom. Through continue practicing, you are no longer reacting to an events out of temper, instead you have the capacity to choose an appropriate actions that is beneficial to yourself and others.
Expressive Arts Therapy and Mindfulness Meditation complement with each other:
Mindfulness enhances your awareness of your body and mind, allowing you to be aware of your actions and inner feelings;
Art reveals your inner world in a physical form, allowing you to see yourself clearly and find your inner strength;
Art turns self-care and self-acceptance into rituals that allow your body and mind to remember, aiding healing and transformation.
Person-Centered Approach
Person-Centered Approach is like picnic mat, demarcating your space on the vast grassland, allowing you to feel you can be yourself with a peace of mind.
Person-Centered Appproach believes that everyone has an inner drive for growth and is capable of making the right decisions for themselves. The therapist will listen to your expression with sincerity, empathy, care, and an open attitude, and will accompany you to facilitate your psychological growth.
In a Person-Centered Expressive Arts Therapy, you will experience:
Your artistic expression can transcend the limitations of reality. Through artistic expression, you discover unknown aspects of yourself.
A free of judgements, no right or wrong, no good or bad, you feel you can be yourself without worries.
Your expression is valued and you feel truly understood.